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Prepping for College Admission Auditions for BFA Programs

November 25, 2014

[socialring]Performing Arts students know that the single most nerve-racking part of the college search process isn’t the essays, the ACT’s, or grinding out the applications; it’s the auditions. If you’ve decided to go for a BFA Acting, Musical Theatre, Dance or combination thereof in college, then the stress your non-theatre friends are going through is a laugher by comparison. You’ve had to sweat the testing, keep up your grades and navigate an endless list of possible school choices. On top of it, you’ve got to rise to the occasion for two-to-four minutes under the pressure of auditions where hundreds of other students are vying for the same few spots in a school’s program (Otterbein, for example, will only take eight students per year).(1) Lagniappe 1

Many students will audition in person at their top-choice schools, but where the process really gets gnarly is at the Unifieds. The National Unified Auditions take place in Chicago in 2015 on Feb. 2, 3 and 4 at the Palmer House Hilton (and in New York, L.A., and several other cities around the same time). A hotel swimming with theatre kids sound like a nightmare? That thought aside, the Unifieds are where dozens and dozens of colleges and universities set up shop in conference and ballrooms and hold mass auditions. Here is information from the experts on how to prepare for two-three days of non-stop performance.

• Don’t forget to actually apply to the school you’re auditioning for. Does this sound like a no-brainer? Believe it or not, the theatre admissions folks from both Minnesota and NYU mentioned this one to me—you’d be surprised at how many kids are so focused on theatre they forget that there’s actually a college involved.

• Try to audition at your very top choices at the school, if it is offered (many schools are now going to a pre-screen by video before granting an in-person audition). What if you get sick the weekend of Unifieds? Plus many schools recommend on-campus auditions—Syracuse comes right out and tells you. Chapman and other schools don’t even go to Unifieds. Strategize accordingly.

• Read directions carefully for each school and don’t forget to schedule your Feb. appointment time with them (and do it soon; some fill up). There was the kid who got to DePaul’s audition with his two monologues, only to find out both had to be from plays (and not from monologue books); and the girl from Boston who travelled all the way to Chapman, performed her monologue, then was aghast when the panel asked her to do her second monologue—she didn’t have one. Schools will generally ask for two monologues, one contemporary and often another classic or Shakespeare. But not always. And a portion of a song for musical theatre. But not always. Make a folder for each school; print out the instructions, and check them multiple times.

• Hire a monologue coach—a theatre teacher at school or a professional and have them put you through the paces. Practice interview questions. Have an extra monologue and song ready in case you’re asked (and this happens).

• Many schools at the Unifieds take “walk-ins”—kids who didn’t register ahead of time. If you have gaps in your schedule, why not plan to do a few of these? Your material is ready; check if the school is still taking applications and if you’re eligible to audition.

• Stay at the hotel if you can afford it—cuts down on stress of being there on time and finding the right room.

• Bring sheet music that turns easily (from the Syracuse admissions rep)

• Wear neutral clothes

• Bring head shots and resumes. Bring extras.

• Bring a check book in case you do a walk-in requiring a registration fee.

• And finally, the ultimate advice from one student who braved the Unifieds and lived to tell about it, and was accepted into her first choice schools:

“You are doing the thing you love most in the world. REMEMBER THAT and have fun with it; don’t shy away from your talent because you feel inadequate. You are at that audition for a reason. If you had the courage to apply for an acting program you have the power to go to your auditions and exude confidence and give it everything you have got!” –Marlee Learner, USC sophomore

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