Lakeside College Advisers


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2017-18 Common App Topics Released

[socialring]The Common Application, the one-size-fits-all application designed to make applying colleges easier, is used by more than 600 U.S. colleges and universities. The main essay topics were released several weeks ago, with some significant changes. While the...

Harvard, Wal-Mart, or Bust

[socialring]I was in the audience last week for a fascinating talk given by Dr. Ellen Braaten, author and child neuropsychologist at Mass. General Hospital in Boston. Her topic was “The Curse of the Average Child.” Braaten related the story of a family who came to see...

What About Four-Year Graduation Rates?

[socialring]You may take it for granted that your kids will graduate from college in four years—after all, you probably did it. The reality is, fewer than half do. Figures fluctuate wildly from as low as 10% at many non-flagship state institutions to the 80s at more...

Where Colleges Are

[socialring]I was sitting in a student’s family dining room recently fielding questions about colleges when she brought up the University of Washington, in Seattle. “I heard that.” Mom’s head popped in from the kitchen. A minute before, I had been trying to convince...

Common App Announces Next Year’s Essay Prompts

[socialring]The Common App has announced the essay prompts for 2016-17 and the big news is: There’s no news. Essay prompts will remain unchanged. For those dying to get a head start, here are the five prompts, for which students are given 650 words to compose...