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Gain an Admissions Edge

November 16, 2015

[socialring]What’s in a deferral? Can you derail an application with one inappropriate email to an admissions staff member? How do you nail a 100-word essay? Some of the most valuable inside advice high school students can find on applying, and getting into, the college of their choice can be found on college/university blogs. Buried on college web pages with relevant information about deadlines, required items, visit options, and the rest, are oftentimes admissions- and student-written blogs that contain hidden gems of information that can provide a valuable tidbit that just might give you that edge.

“Share something about yourself. Not everything about yourself.” –Hamilton Admissions

One of my favorites, posted recently by Tulane, “Five Things You Should Not Say in an Email.” It should be so obvious, but an otherwise well-constructed message signed off with an email such as “bluntking@gmail” will raise a red flag. Clean up your act. Check your spelling. And read this post.

Two posts speak to the subject of the dreaded deferral. This one, from a Yale student (who obviously did get in), and this one, from Notre Dame admissions, might help put your mind at ease and guide your strategy on whether to stick it out with your dream school or consider going Early Decision II.

Vanderbilt addresses the arcane measurement “the middle 50%.” When students look at the standardized testing scores to gauge where they fit, they often don’t realize the numbers aren’t an average, but a middle 50% number. Vandy explains what this means, and it won’t make you feel any better—but it will help you place yourself in some context.

The essay—it never hurts to find out what your specific school thinks about when they read your essays. Applying to Hamilton, Penn, Emory or Tufts? Even if you aren’t, follow these tips (especially Hamilton; everyone can learn) and you’ll be a step ahead of your peers.

Kenyon shows you how to “Ace Your Interview.” Stanford discusses whether to apply Restricted Early Action or Regular Decision (either way only about 5 of every 100 applicants is getting in). And finally, Johns Hopkins has a fine piece of “Making the Match.”

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