Lakeside College Advisers provides individual, comprehensive guidance throughout the college preparation, selection and application process. We believe that applying to college should be an exciting time for students and parents, not a stressful rite of passage. We know that the college admissions process is complex and can at times be overwhelming, so our aim is to assist families through every phase. We recognize that no two students are identical. Therefore we strive to develop a custom plan for each student based on his or her personal needs and aspirations. Our personalized attention ensures the right match is made between student and school, and our insight and in-depth knowledge of the process and of a wide array of colleges and universities across the country are certain to relieve your stress.

Our Process
Every year, we work with a small number of students, creating customized plans and setting deadlines to ensure that students complete their applications and essays thoughtfully, effectively, early, and without mom and dad having to step in to take the reins.

Self Exploration
What kind of student are you? Who do you dream of becoming? How can I help you set goals as you move through high school and begin to contemplate your future? High school students go through tremendous physical and mental change from the ages of 14 to 18, and I believe beginning the conversation about educational aims and personal passions sets you on a more confident, organized path to success.

Building a College List
Searching for the right college fit, and creating a balanced list of choices that both nurtures a student’s vision and ensures successful outcomes takes time and a thoughtful approach. We work to achieve this through face-to-face meetings, assessments, analysis of data, preparation for college visits, and listening to families’ needs.

Applying to College
The application process need not be stressful. Lakeside offers proper guidance and planning to support students through the steps needed to complete all college essays, applications, and additional materials. From brainstorming through completed essays to crafting resumes, activity lists, and choosing the correct strategy for each school, Julie helps each student with an individualized, custom plan, and sees them through the school year until the final college choice is made.
Our Expertise
Our Mission
I started my business because I love working with young people and want to see them move into the next phase of their lives with a sense of excitement and accomplishment. The process is always fraught with stress; my job is to make it less stressful, more transparent, and rewarding. I don’t promise admissions to certain schools as a guarantee; in fact, my contract states that I can’t guarantee admission into any school. What I can guarantee is a genuine working relationship with student and family, one where I provide positive reinforcement yet realistic goal-setting; listen to your needs and provide an individualized plan, and let the student take ownership of the process and feel good about the results. As a member of HECA (Higher Education Consultants Association) and IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association), I adhere to a set of ethics guidelines.